Parker (center), Gabe (left) and Cas (right).
Immortal Desires is one of the many stories of the Choices: Stories You Play collection. It's released for VIP subscribers on May 25, 2022 and for everyone on July 6, 2022. It initially ended on October 12, 2022 with the general release of Chapter 16, but on December 19, 2022 it was announced that the series would be getting a second book, which was released on February 28, 2024 on VIP early-access and on April 19, 2024 for everyone. Book 2 ended on June 12, 2024 on early-access and July 12, 2024 for everyone, and it was confirmed in a message at the end of the book that a Book 3 is in the works. According to the January 2025 Insiders, it is currently scheduled for a February 2025 release on Early Access, and there will be a side book called Immortal Desires: Paths Not Taken, released on January 17, 2025 for VIP.
When a high school senior moves to the town of Crimson Beech, they get tangled up with the local vampire community.
Immortal Desires includes examples of:
- And the Adventure Continues: Subverted. When Parker becomes a vampire at the end of Chapter 16, they set out to explore their newfound self with their love interests Gabe and Cas. At the time, this was the canonical end to the series, but with Book 2 in the works, the audience will get to see it happen.
- Bag of Spilling: Justified. At the start of Book 2, Parker learns that all of the talismans they collected over the course of Book 1 are now useless because they've become a vampire, so they are discarded.
- Betty and Veronica: The friendly star student Gabe and the rebellious Cas are the Betty and Veronica to Parker’s Archie, respectively.
- Big Bad: Book 2 Chapter 10, confirms that Lennox is the leader of the Forest Bureau which is a secret front for being full of vampire hunters.
- Breaking Old Trends: This series is notable for doing something that Choices has never done before: announce a sequel to a book after previously declaring it to be a standalone. To say the fans were surprised is an understatement (even with the sneak peek, which some people thought was for the sequel to Crimes of Passion, due to Pixelberry never having done this before).
- Character Customization: This is another book that allows you to decide your character's gender and pronouns. Gabe and Cas's genders can be decided at their first meeting.
- Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: Romantic choices related to Gabe are marked with a red heart, while romantic choices related to Cas are marked with a purple heart.
- Content Warnings: From the moment both books are opened, it warns players it contains realistic depictions of violence and gore.
- Council of Vampires: Crimson Beech has vampire covens that govern the city from the shadows. Principal Yao is revealed to be Astoria, the head of the Venandi family, the most ferocious vampire coven in the town. The Clement family are looked down on as lovers of humans.
- Dean Bitterman: Astoria Yao is the leader of the more militant Venandi Coven and serves as the principal of Crimson Beech High, which she uses to keep an eye on Parker. She even suspended a student for two days for chewing gum. Parker is able to stop a huge brawl in Chapter 7 by simply saying "Principal Yao's coming this way!"
- Five-Second Foreshadowing: Downplayed in Chapter 16. The reveal that Parker was turned into a vampire happens at the end of the chapter, but the hints are dropped throughout the rest of the chapter, as opposed to just before the reveal.
- Parker is surprisingly hungry when they wake up at the start of the chapter, even after having breakfast.
- During the celebration, if Parker drinks what's heavily implied to be human blood out of the goblet, they will note that it's the tastiest thing they've drank, even though they've tasted vampire blood before and it didn't taste nice to them.
- All of the humans' memories were erased, but Parker still remembers everything that happened.
- Forbidden Love: It was revealed in chapter 6 that romance between humans and vampires is forbidden when it is revealed that Louis, a vampire turned Esme into one to prevent her from dying and staying together, ending with both of them being exiled.
- From Bad to Worse: The end of Book 2, Chapter 8 doesn't go well for Parker. Parker, who is very stressed and emotional over their feelings for Gabe and Cas, uses their vampire powers in the woods to blow off steam only to be witnessed by Lennox, the Forest Bureau ranger who's encountered them numerous times. Panicking because he saw their vampire traits, Parker speeds home only to startle and be confronted by Terri, who's mad at them for sneaking out again. While Terri starts ranting about Parker's change in behavior she accidentally cuts herself with a knife, and Parker can't prevent themselves from revealing their vampire nature to her, possibly attacking her if their willpower isn't high enough. Gabe comes in and subdues them, followed by a furious Lewyn and Astoria.
- Gas Leak Cover Up: All of the chaos that occurred because of the Creator's attack in the 14th and 15th chapters was covered up and blamed on an out-of-control fire spreading through Crimson Beech. Parker's near-death was made to look like it had been the result of them inhaling too much smoke.
- Gender-Blender Name: Gabe's full first name is Gabriel if male and Gabriella if female. Cas's full first name is Cassius if male and Cassie if female.
- Hello, [Insert Name Here]: As with all Choices books, you can choose your character's name. The default name is Parker Reese.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In Chapter 15, Parker does this to defeat the Big Bad by injecting themself with vampire blood, which is lethal to him, before giving themself up to him to be fed on. They get better in the next chapter... as a vampire, thanks to Gabe and Cas.
- Hollywood New England: Crimson Beech is established as being in New England.
- Hypocrite: On the outside, Lewyn cares about humans as well as his fellow vampires, but in Chapter 14, when the Big Bad and his forces attack Crimson Beech, he brings the humans to the hospital, not to save them, but as bait for the Big Bad's minions. He also sets off a bomb with silver, potentially killing several of his coven members.
- Interface Spoiler: The description for Book 2, Chapter 10 spoils that the Forest Bureau is a cover for Vampire Hunters. While this was something players had suspected, it still ruins the plot twist for Chapter 9.
- Internal Reveal: Book 2, Chapter 8 ends with Parker revealing their vampiric nature to the forest rangers and their own mother. Needless to say, Lewyn and Astoria are not happy.
- I Resemble That Remark!: In Chapter 1, Cas' reaction to finding that someone wrote "Psycho" on their locker is to threaten the person who did it and get into a fistfight with them, followed by them being dragged away by the school principal.
"Spoken like a true nutjob"
- Jerkass: Lewyn and Astoria. While they were far from pleasant in Book 1, they take it to another level in Book 2. Now that Parker is a Vampire, they are free to physically torment them instead of only being able to threaten them like they did throughout most of Book 1.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Body 2 for Gabriel gives him hair long enough to be tied into a bun.
- Love Triangle: Both Gabe and Cas are attracted to Parker and battle it out for their affections. Parker can show interest in both of them, resulting in jealousy on both sides. Doubles as a Bisexual Love Triangle if Gabe is male and Cas is female, or vice versa.
- Oh, Crap!: Chapter 2 ends with Parker finding out their mother's boss is Lewyn, one of the two heads of the city's vampire council.
- The Reveal:
- In Chapter 5, Gabe is revealed to be a vampire too, which means both love interests are vampires.
Parker: Holy plot twist. Where'd that come from?
- In Chapter 12, one of Gabe's friends, Shiloh, is revealed to be a traitor working for the Big Bad.
- In Book 2, Chapter 6, it is revealed that Libby has memories of Parker saving her from The Creator's minions, but thinks she is having a recurring nightmare.
- Book 2, Chapter 12 reveals that the Big Bad's last name is Adalhard, making him Gabe's distant cousin who they had no idea existed.
- Sadist Teacher: In Book 2, Chapter 4, Lewyn picks Parker as a volunteer to exhibit the dangers of sun poisoning to the younger vampires, with the narrative making it clear he's getting malicious satisfaction from watching them suffer.
- Sequel Hook: Book 2 ends with the revelation that Vampires within the ley lines are dying from sun poisoning, meaning the Vampires have to confine themselves to the Nexus in order to stay alive. Gabe and Parker also theorize that a new threat tampered with the ley lines.
- Shout-Out:
- In Chapter 1, during Parker's first day at school, a student is talking about The Bachelorette.
Student: ...And then she gave the rose to the cattle rancher, not the ex-quarterback! I was stunned!
Parker: (You and half of America, I'm sure.) - What If?: Paths Not Taken shows an alternative storyline to the first book, with your choices drastically changing the outcome of the story. Though the canon Book 1 featured Gabe and Cas engaging in Teeth-Clenched Teamwork and defeating The Creator, PNT can potentially end with one of them making a Face–Heel Turn and trying to kill the other, with Parker only able to romance one of them.
- Wild Teen Party: In Chapter 1, Parker is invited by Gabe to a party in the woods.
- You Are Grounded!: Parker's mother grounds them at the end of Chapter 8 for both repeatedly sneaking out at night to see Gabe and Cas and their back-sass.
- You Are What You Hate: Gabe hates vampires, yet in Chapter 5, they are revealed to be a vampire themself.